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MFU Q688, DVB-T for Europe, Dual Sim cards Dual standby, Bluetooth FM function Slide type Mobile Phone, Swing change the wallpaper / music, Dual band, Network: GSM900 / 1800MHZ-      (preço:399.00)

D989, DVB-T (MPEG-2/4), Wifi Bluetooth FM function Touch Screen Mobile Phone, Dual Sim cards Dual standby Dual cameras, Slip-operation can change the menu, Quad band, Network: GSM850/ 900 / 1800/ 1900MHZ -(preço: 560.00)

L007 DVB-T (MPEG-2), Wifi & JAVA TV Touch Mobile Phone, Dual Sim cards Dual standby Dual camera, Bluetooth FM function, Slip-operation can change the menu (3 pages of menus), 270 degree menu rotate, Quad band, Network: GSM850/ 900 / 1800/ 1900MHZ -(preço:579.00)

MFU M99SQ, ISDB-T for Japan / South America, Dual sim card Dual standby Dual camera, JAVA & Bluetooth FM function touch Mobile Phone, Slip-operation can change the menu (6 pages of menus), Swing change the wallpaper, Quad band, Network: GSM850/ 900 / 1800/ 1900MHZ -(preço:479.00)

HT868 DVB-T, JAVA / Bluetooth FM function Touch Screen Mobile Phone, Dual Sim cards Dual standby Dual cameras, Slip-operation can change the menu (2 pages of menus), Dual band, Network: GSM900 / 1800/MHZ (preço:499.00)

T728D, DVB-T, Invisible keyboard, Dual sim card Dual standby, Bluetooth FM touch Mobile Phone, Swing change the wallpaper, 360 degree menu rotate, Quad band, Network: GSM850/ 900 / 1800/ 1900MHZ (preço: 400.00)

MFU ISDB995, ISDB-T for Japan / South America, Dual Sim cards Dual standby Dual camera, Bluetooth FM function Slide type Mobile Phone, Swing change the wallpaper, Quad band, Network: GSM850/ 900 / 1800/ 1900MHZ (preço:479.00)

D998, DVB-T (MPEG-2), JAVA Bluetooth FM function Mobile Phone, Dual Sim cards Dual standby, Slip-operation can change the menu (3 pages), Quad band, Network: GSM850/ 900 / 1800/ 1900MHZ- (preço:439.00)

T538, DVB-T for Europe, Dual Sim cards Dual standby, Bluetooth FM function Mobile Phone, Swing change the wallpaper, Dual band, Network: GSM900 / 1800MHZ -(preço:519.00)

5.0 inch Touch Screen Windows Mobile 6.5 Tablet PC with WIFI, Bluetooth + FM Radio + GPS Function, 2GB NAND Flash, 90 Degree Menu Rotate, CPU: HUAWEI Hisillicon-K3 Program, 800MHz- (preço: 712.00)


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